Growth To Exit Blog

Finding the Right Buyer for Your Business

Nov 23, 2021

When you have been running your own business for years, one of the things that you probably always keep in the back of your mind is who is going to become the successor after you retire. If no one in your family is interested in taking over your company, and your kids do not want to be part of it either, then you have to find yourself a suitable buyer. Regardless of whether you built the business ...

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Promoting Stress Management and Resilience in your Business

Nov 09, 2021

In dealing with the current and unfamiliar global crisis, smart stress management for both managers and their employees is becoming increasingly important.

Stress often arises in the work context when a person cannot cope with a task or challenge because important resources, such as time, money, work equipment or knowledge, are missing. In addition, problems such as uncertainty, unsafety, lack of...

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Finding the Right Co-Founder and Business Partner

Oct 26, 2021

Finding a the right business partner for your company or startup is a difficult and time-consuming task. Unlike your colleagues or employees, who follow the directions and rules that you have set, your business partner is involved in all important decisions – based on which the future of the company depends – manages company resources, and has an equal say on business activities.

Additionally, fi...

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Employee Buyout: When Employees Become Owners

Oct 12, 2021

In our previous Blog Post on Growth To Exit we discussed the importance of having a corporate succession plan in place, as well as the different selling options that you have as a business owner, if your kids do not want to buy your company. This time we will discuss an alternative strategy that you might wish to consider if you are planning to sell your business: the Employee Buyout.

More and mo...

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Succession Planning: What Happens when your Kids Don’t Want to Take the Family Business?

Sep 28, 2021

Corporate succession is one of the most defining moments in the history of a family business. Many parents and grand-parents that have built family businesses from scratch, hope that one day, their lives’ work will pass down to their children and their children’s children, and their legacy will stay alive even after they retire.

This is, however, not always the reality, as surveys show that most ...

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Are your Customers Happy? How to Increase Customer Satisfaction in your Business (Part II)

Jul 21, 2021

In our last post, we talked about the most efficient and commonly used methods to measure customer satisfaction in your business.

Measuring the satisfaction of your customers is a key factor for the successful run of your company, and it is widely considered a firmly anchored principle in the corporate world. In fact, companies that have been thriving over the last couple of decades, have set cus...

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Are your Customers Happy? How to Measure Customer Satisfaction in your Business (Part I)

Jul 01, 2021

One of many key requirements keeping your company profitable is satisfied, repeat customers who spread the word about your business.

It is no secret that some of the world's most successful and trusted brands – Amazon, Apple, Chick-fil-A, Hilton – are known for their “customer-obsessed” approach and put the satisfaction of their customers front and center.

Over 100 years ago, Harry Gordon Selfri...

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The Top Emerging Industries in 2021-2022 that You Should Keep an Eye on

Jun 17, 2021

Despite the global economic crisis in 2020, the entrepreneurial aspirations of most people have not died out, and they continue to evolve in 2021. According to Small Biz Genius, 79% of American entrepreneurs, who were planning to start their own business in 2020, say that they want to redouble their efforts to make their startup prosper within 2021-2022, and their desire to move forward with their...

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What is the best age to start a business? The most successful Entrepreneurs who started in their 30s

May 18, 2021

For some of the most famous entrepreneurs in the world, success comes early.

We have all heard or seen the story of Mark Zuckerberg, co-creator of Facebook while only 19 and studying at the University of Harvard. Zuckerberg was a billionaire at 23. Or Evan Spiegel, who co-founded Snapchat when he was 20 years old and, by the age of 26, had become one of the richest people on the planet.


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LIKE IT’S YOUR JOB: A Business and Entrepreneurship Podcast by Growth To Exit

May 03, 2021


In 2020, reported that there are more than 75 million podcast listeners in the US alone, who listen to podcasts on a regular basis. In fact, one third of the country’s population (32%) listens to podcasts at least once a month (Edison Research, 2019).

There is no doubt that interest in podcasts is growing rapidly, not just in America, but also all around the world, as every year, ...

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